are my thoughts about people and aspects of the billiard world
that are essential in my mind for others to know about. Perhaps
no one else is going to recognize their significance, but nonetheless
I felt the urge to showcase these people, events and my beliefs
on certain topics within these pages. Please keep in mind I have
a reputation for being controversial, a moniker I treasure.
Ruby Alabama
aka Mary Hurt
Light Jazz, Dixieland and True Friendship

had the pleasure of meeting Mary Hurt at Julian’s
Pool Room in NYC around 1980. We were the only two female “regulars” in
the room which had become famous because it was the only pool room
existing in Manhattan for over a decade. Due to the high costs
in rents and the fact that landlords were dividing large retail
spaces up into smaller stores, room after room had disappeared
until Julian’s was the last room standing until 1991. There
were a lot of ‘characters’ in the room, as well as
some great players like George Mikula who was an expert in both
pool and billiards. (Julian’s had six billiard tables and
a small core of 3 cushion devotees.) Mary and I fit right into
the eclectic group and became fast friends.
saw each other all the time in those days. And each instance, we
greeted each other with a new joke. We shared a lot of them, along
with some great laughs. What struck me the most about Mary, besides
her superb sense of humor, were her diverse musical abilities.
I never knew anyone as talented as she is on so many musical instruments.
It was awe-inspiring. And Mary, in return, recognized my pool talents,
not only as a player, but as an organizer. Another common ground
was that Mary understood the struggles that women faced in society
and in the work place; and especially in the pool room.
had been playing pool for many years but had not played for any
formalized pool organization. She learned about the women’s
tour from me and without delay became interested in participating.
Eventually she was a common sight at the women’s
tournaments along the Eastern States. In true theatrical style,
she immediately adopted the moniker that she is well-known by today,
Ruby Alabama.
(Ruby Alabama is featured
in the "Double or Nothing" Pointers page explaining how to use
the 'Verrazano' or double mechanical bridge)
never rising to the highest level, Ruby enjoyed may successes as
a player. Besides playing in many WPBA events, she also participated
in the “All About Pool Tour” and
the“Tri States Women’s Tour”. Joining the
ranks of pool detectives, Ruby always knew more about pool than
she could execute. Eager to impart her knowledge to others, she
started teaching at the Billiard Club around 1990, and continued
coaching at Chelsea Billiards and, later, when it changed hands
and became Slate Billiards. Over the years, hundreds of Ruby’s
clients have sung her praises as a talented and informative pool
…..I was not surprised
when I visited Ruby a few weeks ago to learn that she had added
another dimension to her endless list of abilities. Over the past
two years, she has written a screen play entitled,
Saints and Sinners of Dixon Falls” (published by Blue
Ball Publishing, 2010).
Her bio reads:
“Ruby Alabama was born
in Anniston, Alabama. She graduated from Birmingham Southern College
with a degree in music. Winning the 'Miss Congeniality' in a beauty
contest, she received a scholarship to the Pittsburgh Playhouse
School of Theatre and then moved to New York City where she still
…..A virtuoso, she plays piano,
bass, drums, and trumpet. She has even played the jug, funnel,
spoons, and saw on national commercials. Ruby loves humor. She
has appeared on various shows for ABC, CBS and NBC, such as Good
Day New York, All Star Secrets, NY Views, MSG Profile, the Gong
Show and a guest on Dr Ruth Westheimer's show. Her remarkable career
as a musician, singer, composer, performer, writer teacher and
pool player spans more than 50 years.”

Ruby played the spoons for me and agroup of players at Julian’s.
We loved it. And again when we played pool at the Pines during
the WPBA National Championship, Ruby played the piano in the lounge
for the women players. We all surrounded the piano and sang. It
was a memorable moment for many of us. I remember a few years ago,
Ruby played one of her commercials for me. It had a continuous
whistle playing behind the advertisement. I asked Ruby how she
could whistle for over a minute without a break. I learned something
about music when she explained that she whistled out and in to
get the uninterrupted sound. Amazing.
.....Besides touring with the
"Mary Hurt Trio", playing light jazz and Dixieland music at the
Sheraton and Hilton Hotel circuits, Ruby performed voice overs
and wrote jingles for many commercials we're all familiar with
over an 18 year period. She joked with Al Roker, and later with
Audrey Puente, about the weather and showed them how she played
the saw in a Magic Marker commercial. I'm sure they were blown
…..I don’t see Ruby very much anymore due to the
busy schedules in our lives. And I miss her. I wanted to share
with all my fans what a terrific person Ruby is. If you ever run
into her, stop and say hello. She’s always open to meeting
new people.
